
3089 Results in category Bankruptcy

450 Lexington Avenue

New York City, New York 10017
United States

view phone(212) 450-4580

view fax(212) 701-5580

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450 Lexington Avenue

New York City, New York 10017
United States

view phone(212) 450-4029

view fax(212) 701-5029

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Dan's recent out-of-court and chapter 11 debtor matters include Bondex, Blake Offshore, FLYi/Independence Air, Hereford Biofuels, Kaiser Aluminum, NationsRent, PLVTZ LLC, Slater Steel, and USG Corporation.

Dan B. Prieto
2727 North Harwood Street

One Rodney Square

Dallas, Texas 75201
United States

view phone(214) 969-4515

view fax(214) 969-5100

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901 K Street, N.W.

Suite 900

Washington, District Of Columbia 20001
United States

view phone(202) 508-3423

view fax(202) 220-2223

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900 W. 48th Place

Suite 900

Kansas City, Missouri 64112
United States

view phone(816) 360-4260

view fax(816) 753-1536

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Dan Moss's practice focuses on business restructurings and mergers and acquisitions.Dan was a member of the team that represented Chrysler LLC.

Dan T. Moss
51 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.

Washington, District Of Columbia 20001
United States

view phone(202) 879-3794

view fax(202) 626-1700

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450 Lexington Avenue

New York City, New York 10017
United States

view phone(212) 450-4855

view fax(212) 701-5855

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101 Park Avenue

New York City, New York 10178
United States

view phone(212) 808-7813

view fax(212) 808-7897

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1225 17th Street

Suite 2200

Denver, Colorado 80202
United States

view phone(303) 383-7682

view fax(303) 292-1300

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1529 Walnut Street, Suite 600

Suite 600

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
United States

view phone(215) 864-9700

view fax(215) 864-9669

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