
9686 Results in category Investment Law

101 Park Ave.

New York City, New York 10178-0060
United States

view phone(212) 309-6122

view fax(212) 309-6001

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Olga Sandler is counsel in Dentons New York and Moscow offices. She has extensive experience in representing US Russian and other foreign companies in complex domestic and cross-border transactions.

1221 Avenue of the Americas

New York City, New York 10020-1089
United States

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110 W. Berry Street

Suite 2400

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
United States

view phone(260) 460-1644

view fax(260) 460-1700

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Oliver’s key areas of practice include cross-border private equity, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, equity investments, and general corporate representation with a particular focus on U.S./European inbound.

666 Fifth Avenue

26th Floor

New York City, New York 10103-0040
United States

view phone(212) 237-0134

view fax(212) 849-5359

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1285 Avenue of the Americas

New York City, New York 10019-6064
United States

view phone(212) 373-3692

view fax(212) 492-0692

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One Bryant Park

Bank of America Tower

New York City, New York 10036-6745
United States

view phone(212) 872-7440

view fax(212) 872-1002

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One Bryant Park

Bank of America Tower

New York City, New York 10036-6745
United States

view phone(212) 872-1032

view fax(212) 872-1002

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Cira Centre

2929 Arch Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-2808
United States

view phone(215) 994-2201

view fax(215) 994-2222

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