What Panda 4.1 Means for Your Legal Blog

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When marketing your law firm or legal services online, keeping mindful of Google’s algorithms, how they generate your traffic, is vital to optimization. Google’s 2014 update of Panda, 4.1, which improves their longstanding search filter, is designed specifically to cull high quality sites from lower, ensuring the top results on the SERP include only the beefiest and thickest websites.

What this means for you is simple enough: interrogate your website’s content, and remove pages that are thin, while building up the leaner pages. The more valuable information you are able to provide for searchers, the more Google will boost you, and your traffic will increase. This follows the basic princip ...

Top Google Algorithm Changes of 2014

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Each year, Google makes about half a thousand changes to their famous algorithm, the mathematical apparatus that determines what their search engine turns up for a query. Though not all these changes are noteworthy to search engine optimizers, some of them are valuable in aligning how the date of change corresponds to changes in page rankings and website traffic.

Keeping in this spirit, we are offering the major 2014 Google updates alongside their corresponding dates. Changes in traffic at around those dates can demonstrate how those tweaks and updates effect how web pages are found on the web.

Pirate 2.0, October 21, 2014

This change mostly hit torrent sites, who were downranked in ...

22 Legitimate Uses of Black Hat SEO Tactics

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Just as there are two sides to the Force, the light side and the dark, so there are two sides of SEO: white hat and black hat. Black hat tactics are the sorts of cheats and corruptions that weak SEO’s might be tempted to use, the way a struggling athlete may consider performance enhancing drugs. Don’t be that loser. But nevertheless, consider this: doctors take the Hippocratic oath, and nevertheless spend their careers poisoning their patients (with medications) and chopping them up (with scalpels), so even if you are dedicated to your white hat tactics, which well you should be, you could learn a few things from the nefarious scheming of black hatters, such as what to avoid, naturally enoug ...

How Law Firm Websites Can Get Links from Widgets, Quizzes and Other Types of Interactive Content

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The capacity to create high-quality widgets and other interactive pieces of content makes for a valuable linkbait strategy that can increase incoming traffic, create returning users, and further develop a website’s influence online.

While creating these types of linkbait takes skill, originality, and creativity, it can be an almost sure-proof method to get more links to a website.


Widgets work great because once they are launched, they can incorporate links back to the original website that created it. They are basically small programs that run within a frame or box, like a mortgage calculator or a body fat estimator. Users input values in order to get their customized resul ...